A Dip in the Pool

Boy, this week seems full of firsts for Wesley.  I hope I’ll have the time to write all about them!

For now, I’ll tell y’all about WeFo’s first time in the pool.  On Sunday, we headed out to Mimi’s house (Grandma’s) for brunch and a swim. We won’t call it a complete success — an explosion ensued because we have an explosive son — but not a total disaster either: he mainly tolerated the whole thing.  I’m not sure he knew what to make of it…

But in his Papa’s arms, he was willing to give this swimming thing a try.  He wore a shirt on purpose to help protect from the sun, but this photo shows exactly why I detest shirts on babies and stick almost exclusively with Onesies/bodysuits.  All shirts ever do is ride up — especially when holding the baby.

Still, he does look cute in his new hat (thanks Mimi!) and Little Swimmers, no?  He’s just big enough for them — 16 lbs.!

He was willing to give the lounger a go:

And humored his Papa dipping him in:

But he kinda lost it after the whole “let’s see how he floats” bit:

Bad idea.  After that, I believe it took longer to get him out of his wet clothes and calm him down than the entire time in the pool altogether.

Still, I’m confident he’ll eventually take to swimming like a fish to water.  What little boy doesn’t love a pool?

7 thoughts on “A Dip in the Pool

  1. Sarah, I’m hoping we can get together when Craig’s classes end in another week and a half or so. What with all of Wes’ changes, things have been so stressful around here!

    We’ll talk cameras — but also software. I’m able to do a lot of fixing with Lightroom!

  2. Oh, no pressure, Lou. When I referred to “plans,” I meant which camera and accessories to buy. Let me know when you guys have time. We’ve still got three weeks or so of summer left, I think (only three? Wah!)

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